Here are some examples of content we’ve produced according to varying guidelines. UK or US spelling is determined by content location.

Multi-author report on managing change in the financial services industry. An example report featuring contributions from various high-level HR and business leaders. Half the contributions were written by the people featured, the other half were written by our team.

Mid-length general HR post & script about AI at Work – An example article on what to tell nervous employers about the rise of AI in the Workplace. We also included a script employers can use. The blog post features a number of references to key influencers that we can contact and mention in a social media and content promotion outreach campaign.

Multi-author report/whitepaper on diversity & inclusion – An example report featuring contributions from various high-level HR and business leaders. Half the contributions were written by the people featured, the other half were written by our team.

Mid-length general HR analytics post – An example article on HR analytics. Quotes and tips from more influencers and prospective clients can easily be added as part of an outreach plan.

Long list article featuring multiple influencers and potential clients – An extensive list of 44 ideas to help make an HR consulting business more profitable.

Small business hiring post – The blog post features a number of references to key influencers that we can contact and mention in a social media and content promotion outreach campaign.

Expert round-up article (from our own blog) – A non-HR round-up article on how to convert website visitors into HR clients.

Short general HR post – Short article on recruitment and retention for millennials. Ideal for promoting larger content pieces via LinkedIn, Quora, and other discussion groups. Links, images, and quotes can be added to encourage sharing and boost traffic.

Short general HR post – Short article on company culture. Ideal for promoting larger content pieces via LinkedIn, Quora, and other discussion groups. Links, images, and quotes can be added to encourage sharing and boost traffic.