Are you interested in participating in a short, paid HR business mastermind session with three to five CEOs from non-competing HR Tech companies to share business growth ideas and establish new networks and business relationships?

Typically, the business growth questions for the HR Tech founder mastermind session are:

  1. Give us a quick overview of you and your business.
  2. What have been your top 1-3 methods for winning new business. Any takeaways, key lessons, advice, things you’d do differently?
  3. Any particular marketing/business growth challenge or problem you’d like to share with the group to see if anyone has faced and resolved a similar issue? (we’ll request this ahead of time so people can think about it before they arrive).

The group will comprise of three to five HR Tech business leaders and each can bring one person from their team (typically marketing leader).

Note: The Chatham House Rule applies to all discussions in the mastermind. ie. Nothing gets shared outside the group other than to quietly apply any learnings to your own business and nowhere else.

Summary notes will be emailed out the following week to participants. The notes will be anonymized to protect company information but attendees will know who’s who.

When & Where?

The session will be held over Zoom so no travel is required.

We will arrange the time and date according to the time zones of attendees but it will be in around 3 weeks at a time that best suits the group.

The session will run for ~2 hours and there’ll be a nominal fee of $350 just to make sure everyone has a little skin in the game and takes it seriously.

Register Your Interest In The HR Business Mastermind

If interested, please add your details below.

You are not locked in or committing to anything at this stage 🙂

To add your name (or to change your details), please click the following form link: 

CEO Session (HR Business Leader Mastermind) – Expression of Interest Form

We’ll get back to you soon.

Look forward to seeing you there.

All the best,


Ben Geoghegan
Host: A Better HR Business – Podcast