You know you need to be regularly posting thought leadership updates on LinkedIn.
But it’s so time-consuming.
And then there’s the writer’s block . . .
Are You Posting Enough Content On LinkedIn?
LinkedIn’s own recommended B2B marketing plan here recommends that companies post at least 3 to 4 times per day.

Are you publishing quality content at least once per day or even once per week?
An Easier Way To Post Thought Leadership On LinkedIn
My new, low-cost, done-for-you LinkedIn content service is the perfect solution to your LinkedIn problem.
Now you can sit back and relax as fresh new HR-related text and images posts are scheduled and published for you each week.
The content is based on:
- Your existing content (eg. your blog articles).
- Our industry research and curated content (eg. news about Josh Bersin’s latest industry report or local labour law changes).
- Your suggestions and preferences.
You will always maintain full control over your content and you will see all content before it is published on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn image design and text messaging can be varied to suit your business requirements.

As thousands of businesses across China try to work out how to remain operational as the coronavirus spreads and ‘working from home is no longer a privilege, it’s a necessity,’ according to Bloomberg. Back home in the US, employers should also be taking stock of remote work policies and procedures.
How does your company approach remote work?

Investment – Early Bird Offer
There will be a significant increase after the launch.
The service operates on a monthly basis and you can leave any time.
Choose your monthly recurring package:
€297 + sales tax: Silver – Done-with-you – LinkedIn images and associated text. What you get: You receive 3 HR-related image-based posts and text to use as associated commentary to go with each image each week.
The images and associated text comments are based on any article links provided by you.
You schedule and post the images and text every day.
Order Now: SILVERRECOMMENDED: €397 + sales tax: GOLD – DONE-FOR-YOU – LinkedIn images, associated text, scheduling, and posting to your LinkedIn page. What you get: You relax as we do the work to schedule and post 5 image-based posts with associated text comments on your LinkedIn business page each week. The images and text commentary are based on our HR research and/or any article links you give us.
We will create the content and curate trending articles relevant to your industry, target audience and offer.
We will schedule content to your page for two weeks in advance, and you will have the chance to review and give us feedback on the posts before they go live. We can also reply to any comments on the posts.
Order Now: GOLD Service€997 + sales tax: Platinum – DONE-FOR-YOU – LinkedIn images, associated text, scheduling, posting to your LinkedIn page, and researching & writing HR-related blog articles. What you get: You relax as we do the work to schedule and post 4 image-based posts with associated text comments on your LinkedIn business page each week. The images and text commentary are based on our HR research and/or any article links you give us. We will create the content and curate trending articles relevant to your industry, target audience and offer. We will schedule content to your page for two weeks in advance, and you will have the chance to review and give us feedback on the posts before they go live. We can also reply to any comments on the posts. In addition, we will also research and write 4 blog articles (like these articles) per month for you to publish.
How It Works
There are four easy steps in the process once you have chosen and processed payment for your service package:
Step 1: You and I schedule a Zoom call where I gain a full understanding of your business. We discuss what you do, who you are, your services, your target market, the hot topics & pain points of your target market, and the types & sources of content you’d like to share on LinkedIn. We will also agree on your preferred ways to communicate and review your LinkedIn content.

Step 2: Within 7 days of our call, you will have your first set of LinkedIn content ready to review and publish.
Step 3: When you give us the ok, we will start to schedule and publish the content on an ongoing basis.
Step 4: Every month, you’ll see all content before it is published. You will be able to request changes. We will continue to touch base to make sure that you’re happy with how everything is going.
What about the quality?
We specialise in publishing high-quality HR-related content. We subscribe to the same industry newsletters & reports as you do, go to the same conferences. We write HR-related articles. We even hold our own conference for HR-related firms. We understand the issues and we present them in a professional way to maintains or enhances your firm’s reputation.
If you choose the Done-For-You service, nothing gets published without your permission.
We’re in X location/country. Will this work for us?
I’ve worked or been on assignment as an HR professional in Europe, the United States, South East Asia, and Australia. My online conference for HR consultancies had speakers and attendees from all around the world. We understand issues facing employers.
Note Step 2 in the process listed above: ‘We discuss what you do, who you are, your services, your target market, the hot topics & pain points of your target market, and the types & sources of content you’d like to share on LinkedIn.‘ You’ll be pleased with the end results.
Of course, we tailor the content to local issues, local phrases, and local spelling.
Do You Understand The HR Industry?
When managing your LinkedIn content, I draw on my HR experience over the last decade in which I have:
- Hired thousands of employees around the world.
- Onboarded thousands of employees.
- Reviewed and purchased various software/SaaS products.
- Conducted training sessions on workplace productivity, operations management, employee engagement, and more.
- Sourced training and development programs.
- Terminated the employment of hundreds of employees around the world.
- Managed international staff and their global mobility packages.
- Given speeches to employers and employees on various staff management topics.
- And much more.
Why wouldn’t we just do this ourselves?
Sure, you can come up with nice posts here and there but it’s another thing altogether to come up with interesting, well-presented posts day after day after day, especially when you’re out there trying to look after your clients.
You relax as we do the work to schedule and to the standards you expect.
Are we locked into a long-term contract?
No, the service runs from month to month and you can cancel any time.
Can you help us with other marketing services?
Yes, but we start here first.
We have other services in the pipeline but they all build on having a solid LinkedIn and blog foundation.
Ready? Let’s Get Started
Secure your place now and click the Order Now button.
€297 + sales tax: Silver – Done-with-you – Three HR-related image-based posts and text to use as associated commentary to go with each image each week.
Order Now: SILVERRECOMMENDED: €397 + sales tax: GOLD – DONE-FOR-YOU – Relax as we do the work to schedule and post four LinkedIn images with associated text to your LinkedIn page each week.
Order Now: GOLD Service€997 + sales tax: Platinum – DONE-FOR-YOU – Relax as we do the work to schedule and post four LinkedIn images with associated text to your LinkedIn page each week. We will also research & write four HR-related blog articles each month
Order Now: PLATINUMBonus
If you take action and order your LinkedIn service now, you will receive one free bonus All-Access Pass to the recent HR Consultants’ Online Conference featuring over 30 HR and business growth experts.
Still Undecided?
If you’re stuck, please request a time to talk from here.
All the best,