This is part of our new article series on how to get clients for consulting businesses in the Human Resources industry. Today, we’re focusing on how to get clients for a Diversity and Inclusion business (D&I / DEI&B).

We’ll look at:

We recently looked at frequent search terms for the Get More HR Clients website and there were definitely recurring themes to be found, such as:

  • How to get clients for a Diversity and Inclusion consulting business
  • How to get clients as a Diversity and Inclusion consultant
  • Consulting how to get Diversity and Inclusionclients
  • How consultants get Diversity and Inclusion clients
  • How to get Diversity and Inclusion consulting clients
  • How consultants find Diversity and Inclusion clients
  • How to find Diversity and Inclusion clients for consulting
  • Finding Diversity and Inclusion consulting clients
  • Find Diversity and Inclusion consulting clients
  • Get Diversity and Inclusion consulting clients

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Podcast: How To Find Clients For Diversity and Inclusion Consulting Businesses

The 'A Better HR Business' marketing and business growth podcast shares lots of advice, case studies, and real-life stories from people running HR businesses.

Let’s look at how to find clients for Diversity and Inclusion consultants.

Introduction – How To Get Diversity and Inclusion Clients For Your D&I Consulting Business

Creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is not a nice-to-do but are pivotal elements of corporate culture that drive innovation, employee satisfaction, and business success.

As a D&I consultant, your mission is critical, yet one question remains paramount: how to get clients for your Diversity and Inclusion consulting business? This comprehensive guide draws from proven strategies to help you attract and retain clients in the competitive D&I consulting space.

Challenges Faced by Diversity and Inclusion Consultancies in Attracting and Retaining High-Value Clients

Attracting and retaining high-value clients is a crucial aspect of running a successful Diversity and Inclusion consulting business. However, D&I consultants often encounter several challenges in this endeavor, which can impact their ability to grow and sustain their consultancy. Understanding these challenges is the first step towards developing effective strategies to overcome them.

1. Differentiating in a Crowded Market: The D&I consulting field has become increasingly crowded, with many professionals offering similar services. Standing out in a saturated market is a significant challenge, as potential clients have a plethora of options to choose from. D&I consultants must find unique ways to differentiate their services and articulate their unique value proposition clearly to attract high-value clients.

2. Demonstrating Tangible Value: Many organizations still view D&I initiatives as nice-to-have rather than essential investments. The challenge for D&I consultants lies in demonstrating the tangible value and business impact of their services. This includes showcasing how D&I initiatives can drive better business outcomes, enhance employee engagement, and foster innovation. Consultants need to provide compelling evidence and case studies that highlight the return on investment (ROI) of their D&I strategies.

3. Overcoming Budget Constraints: Budget constraints are a common challenge, especially in times of economic uncertainty. Organizations may be hesitant to allocate significant resources to D&I initiatives, prioritizing other areas they perceive as more critical to immediate business success. D&I consultants must navigate these budgetary constraints by offering scalable solutions that meet clients’ financial limitations while still delivering impactful results.

4. Establishing Long-Term Relationships: While some organizations may be open to one-time training sessions or workshops, the true value of D&I consulting often lies in long-term engagement and cultural transformation. However, transitioning from one-off projects to long-term partnerships can be challenging. Consultants need to emphasize the importance of ongoing support, continuous learning, and adaptation to sustain and deepen D&I efforts over time.

5. Keeping Up with Evolving D&I Best Practices: The field of diversity and inclusion is dynamic, with new research, trends, and best practices emerging regularly. Staying informed and integrating the latest insights into their consulting practice can be challenging but is essential for consultants who wish to provide their clients with the most effective and up-to-date strategies.

Overcoming These Challenges

To overcome these challenges, D&I consultants should focus on building a strong personal brand, leveraging data and research to demonstrate the business case for D&I, offering flexible and customizable solutions, fostering strong client relationships through exceptional service, and committing to continuous learning and development. By addressing these challenges head-on, D&I consultants can better position themselves to attract and retain high-value clients, ultimately making a more significant impact on the organizations they serve.

CASE STUDY – Hummingbird Humanity

Listen in as Brian McComak tells Ben Geoghegan on the A Better HR Business show how he has grown Hummingbird Humanity (Diversity & Inclusion consulting).

Understand Your Target Market

Identify Your Niche: The first step in growing your D&I consulting business is to clearly define your niche within the broad spectrum of diversity and inclusion. Whether your expertise lies in gender diversity, cultural inclusivity, LGBTQ+ issues, or disability inclusion, pinpointing your specific area of focus will help you tailor your marketing efforts and attract clients who need your specialized knowledge.

Research Your Audience: Understanding the needs, challenges, and goals of your target clients is crucial. Conduct market research to identify the industries and organizations that are actively seeking to improve their D&I initiatives. This will enable you to craft messages that resonate with potential clients and address their specific D&I concerns.

Join The HR Business Accelerator To Get More Diversity and Inclusion Clients

Build Your Brand

Develop a Strong Value Proposition: Your value proposition is what sets you apart from other D&I consultants. It should clearly articulate the unique benefits your consulting services offer, such as improving company culture, enhancing team collaboration, or increasing employee retention through better diversity practices.

Leverage Online Platforms: Establish a robust online presence by creating a professional website that highlights your services, expertise, and successful case studies. Optimize your website for SEO with targeted keywords like “Diversity and Inclusion consulting services” to improve your visibility in search engine results.

Content Marketing: Share your knowledge and expertise through regular blog posts, white papers, and case studies on your website. Focus on topics relevant to D&I challenges and solutions, incorporating the keyword “How To Get Clients For Your Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Consulting Business” naturally to boost SEO.

CASE STUDY – Veza Global

Listen in as Manpreet Dhillon tells Ben Geoghegan on the A Better HR Business show how she has grown Veza Global (Diversity & Inclusion consulting & HR tech).

Networking and Partnerships

Attend Industry Events: Participate in conferences, workshops, and webinars related to diversity, inclusion, HR, and business development. These events offer excellent opportunities to network with potential clients and establish yourself as an expert in the D&I field.

Form Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with non-competing businesses that serve similar target markets, such as HR consulting firms or leadership development trainers. These partnerships can provide referrals and open doors to new client opportunities.


Listen in as Vessy Tasheva tells Ben Geoghegan on the A Better HR Business show how she has grown, a global DEIB and Mental Health consultancy.

Utilize Social Media

Engage on LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for connecting with decision-makers in organizations that may require D&I consulting services. Share insightful articles, join relevant groups, and contribute to discussions to raise your profile and demonstrate your expertise.

Create Educational Content: Use platforms like YouTube or Instagram to share educational content about diversity and inclusion. Short videos or infographics that offer tips, statistics, or case studies can help engage a broader audience and drive interest in your services.

CASE STUDY – B. Global Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Planning

Listen in as Zakiya Mabery tells Ben Geoghegan on the A Better HR Business show how she has grown B. Global Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Planning.

Offer Workshops and Seminars

Host Free Workshops: Offering free introductory workshops on D&I topics can attract potential clients by providing them with immediate value and showcasing your expertise. These sessions can be conducted in-person or online, making them accessible to a wide audience.

Develop Signature Seminars: Create signature seminars or training programs that you can offer to businesses. These should address common D&I challenges and provide actionable strategies for improvement. Tailoring these seminars to the specific needs of different industries can make your offerings more attractive to potential clients.

Provide Exceptional Service

Deliver Measurable Results: Clients want to see the impact of their investments. Develop methodologies to measure the effectiveness of your D&I initiatives, such as employee satisfaction surveys or diversity metrics, and share these results with your clients.

Seek Client Feedback: Regular feedback can help you refine your services and address any areas for improvement. Satisfied clients are more likely to refer your services to others, creating a virtuous cycle of business growth.

Stay Informed and Adaptive: The field of D&I is constantly evolving. Keep abreast of the latest research, trends, and best practices to ensure your consulting services remain relevant and effective.

CASE STUDY – MASF Consulting

Listen in as Mark Fenton tells Ben Geoghegan on the A Better HR Business show how he has grown MASF Consulting.


Attracting clients for your Diversity and Inclusion consulting business requires a multifaceted approach that combines understanding your market, building a strong brand, effective networking, leveraging social media, and delivering exceptional service. By implementing these strategies, you can establish a successful D&I consulting business that not only attracts clients but also makes a meaningful impact on workplaces and society.

Remember, the journey to building a thriving D&I consulting business is both challenging and rewarding. It’s about creating lasting change that fosters inclusivity and diversity, making workplaces better for everyone. With dedication, expertise, and the right strategies, you can grow your client base and contribute significantly to this important field.