It's time to grow your HR business

Tag: Demand Generation (Page 2 of 2)

How To Use Cold B2B Email To Generate More Sales For Your HR Tech Company [Expert Interview]

Here’s something you may have been wondering as you consider all your marketing options: Should we learn how to use cold B2B email to generate more sales for our HR tech company?

Aaron Ross is the man credited with achieving massive growth at Salesforce, largely due to his innovative cold email campaigns.

Using cold email for B2B sales

Let’s see how cold B2B email is described on Aaron’s website, Predictable Revenue:

Cold emailing might be the most effective and untapped form of networking. In fact, it’s a way to build a network without having to rely on anybody and isn’t nearly as nerve wracking as a cold call. But beyond this (and maybe more importantly), cold emailing can be extremely effective for sales, especially if your company is focusing on outbound sales specifically. With a little persistence, patience and creativity, cold emailing can be your foot-in-the-door with new clients.

To see how it all works in practice and how a B2B email outreach campaign can be implemented at an HR tech company, let’s hear from industry expert Vlad Goloshchuk, CEO of the B2B SaaS sales research and cold email company, Brightest Minds.

Woodpecker (30 days for free) is the tool most commonly used for cold email outreach.

Cold B2B Email Expert (Vlad Goloshchuk) On How To Use Cold B2B Email To Generate More Sales For Your HR Tech Company

I’ve used cold B2B email to great effect at various times in my career (to reach employment law firms, training companies, and more) so I really enjoyed this talk with Vlad. 

Cold B2B Email Lead Generation - Vlad

Here’s what we discussed:

  1. Is cold B2B email marketing worth doing? How does it compare to other marketing channels?
  2. What if your HR business or product doesn’t serve one narrow, neatly-defined target audience? How can cold B2B email outreach be applied?
  3. What should an HR tech company say in their email messages?
  4. How to optimise the performance of a cold email outreach campaign?
  5. Where to start when setting up a cold B2B email marketing campaign?
  6. What does your B2B lead generation business offer?
  7. Can you share some tips on interesting people, websites, tools, podcasts, or books to check out to help grow a business faster?

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How To Get More HR Tech Customers – Q&A With Crème de la Crème

Today we’re looking at how to get more HR Tech customers and I have kindly been joined by GetMoreHRclients reader, David Odier, who leads international growth for the exciting French & English-language talent portal based in Paris, Crème de la Crème.

David Odier, Head of International Growth, Crème de la Crème

Paris, France

How To Get More Recruitment Tech Customers - David

Crème de la Crème connects professionals with freelancers from the best universities.

(Ben’s Note: Like me, David has a strong belief in understanding your target audience – see my quick article on how to make your HR-related business stand out).

How To Get More HR Tech Customers – Q&A With David Odier

Here’s what I asked David:

  1. What does your business do?
  2. Do you focus on a niche within the market or do you serve all businesses?
  3. What are some effective ways you have acquired new clients/customers? What makes them effective?
  4. Any ineffective ways to find new clients? Why didn’t they work so well?
  5. Can you share some tips on interesting people, websites, tools, podcasts, or books to check out to help grow a business faster?

First though . . .

Next: Join my private mailing list now and I’ll send you my four-step strategy to get more clients in the Human Resources industry.

Discover How To Grow Faster & Easier – Get Your HR Industry Business Growth Newsletter & Resources

Make sure you’re receiving my free resources and business growth briefings on growth strategies & tactics, revenue & profitability ideas, templates, guides, and much more.

If you work as a Human Resources consultant in recruitment, training & development, employee engagement, HR consulting, employment law, employee outplacement – my HR marketing update will help.

Let’s get into it . . .  Continue reading

How To Get More Recruitment Clients – Q&A With Xyrius

Today we’re looking at how to get more recruitment clients and I have kindly been joined by GetMoreHRclients reader, Jordan Stanley, who leads marketing for a rapidly-growing recruitment firm in the UK, the Xyrius Group.

How to get more recruitment clients - Xyrius

The Xyrius Group focus on offering a stress-free approach to complex HR and management problems.

(Ben’s Note: A stress-free approach can be an attractive proposition to potential clients – see my quick story on choosing a recruitment firm here).

How To Get More Recruitment Clients – Q&A With Jordan Stanley

Here’s what I asked Jordan:

  1. What does your business do?
  2. Do you focus on a niche within the market or do you serve all businesses (if so, how do you try to stand-out from competitors)?
  3. What are some effective ways you have acquired new clients/customers? What makes them effective?
  4. How have you used your CRM to gain and retain clients?
  5. What advice would you offer to others who want to leverage their CRM for greater business growth?
  6. Any ineffective ways to find new clients? Why didn’t they work so well?
  7. Can you share some tips on interesting people, websites, tools, podcasts, or books to check out to help grow a business faster?

First, though . . .

Next: Join my private mailing list now and I’ll send you my four-step strategy to get more clients in the Human Resources industry.

Discover How To Grow Faster & Easier – Get Your HR Industry Business Growth Newsletter & Resources

Make sure you’re receiving my free resources and business growth briefings on growth strategies & tactics, revenue & profitability ideas, templates, guides, and much more.

If you work as a Human Resources consultant in recruitment, training & development, employee engagement, HR consulting, employment law, employee outplacement – my HR marketing update will help.

Let’s get into it . . .  Continue reading

6 Tips To Get More Clients From B2B Webinars

Today we’re looking at how to get more clients from B2B webinars and I have kindly been joined by B2B webinar expert and GetMoreHRclients reader, Kris Sharma.

We’ve probably all been on a B2B webinar at some point, either as a host, guest, or attendee.

How To Get More Clients From B2B Webinars – Questions To Consider

As you probably know, running webinars for B2B lead generation and to make sales is a lot harder than it looks.

There are so many elements to consider:

  • What topic will you choose that will prove attractive enough to your ideal sales prospects?
  • Who will host the event?
  • Who will present during the event?
  • What technology will you use?
  • How will you bring in attendees to the event?
  • What will you do to keep them entertained and informed?
  • How will you produce leads and sales from the webinar?
  • Will you host the event live or pre-record it?
  • Will you re-use any of the content?
  • And more.

(Webinars fall into stage four of my four-stage process to bring in more clients for your HR-related business).  Continue reading

How To Get More Recruitment Clients – Q&A With CONEXIONHR

Today we’re looking at how to get more recruitment clients and I have kindly been joined by GetMoreHRclients reader, Carolina Maristany, who runs a highly successful recruitment consultancy and training company in beautiful Buenos Aires.

How To Get More Recruitment Clients

With an MBA in Organizational and Labor Psychology, Carolina has been working in recruitment since 2008, specialising in the tech sector since 2009.

Carolina launched CONEXIONHR in July 2009 and continues to lead the team of recruitment consultants and trainers and she continues to recruit candidates to this day.

How To Get More Recruitment Clients – Q&A With Carolina Maristany

Here’s what I asked Carolina:

  1. What does your business do and who does it help?
  2. Do you focus on a niche within the market or do you serve all businesses (if so, how do you try to stand-out from competitors)?
  3. What are some effective ways you have acquired new clients/customers? What makes them effective?
  4. Any ineffective ways? Why didn’t they work so well?
  5. Can you share some tips on interesting people, websites, tools, podcasts, or books to check out to help grow a business faster?

First, though: Join my private mailing list now and I’ll send you my four-step strategy to get more clients in the Human Resources industry.

Discover How To Grow Faster & Easier – Get Your HR Industry Business Growth Newsletter & Resources

Make sure you’re receiving my free resources and business growth briefings on growth strategies & tactics, revenue & profitability ideas, templates, guides, and much more.

If you work as a consultant in recruitment, training & development, employee engagement, HR consulting, employment law, employee outplacement – my HR marketing update will help.

Let’s get into it . . .  Continue reading

How To Get More Recruitment Clients – Q&A With Jobs 360

Today we’re looking at how to get more recruitment clients and I have kindly been joined by GetMoreHRclients reader, Muhammad Qazi, who runs a highly successful recruitment consultancy in beautiful Islamabad.

Muhammad Qazi - How to get more recruitment clients

With a Masters in HRM, and a long history in human resources and recruitment, Muhammad’s firm continues to grow.

Beyond HR and recruitment, Muhammad remains a very interesting person. I discovered that he presented a paper recently at an international conference in Kuala Lumpur on the topic of ‘Chinese Entrepreneurship – A Case In Point’. His book on the topic (‘Chinese Entrepreneurship – A Benchmark for Pakistan’) was published recently too.

Muhammad founded Jobs360 which aims to act as a bridge between employers and employees, guiding both with their local industry knowledge and experience. Jobs 360 was one of the first companies in Pakistan that allowed job-seeking clients to go online and submit their resume for review and guidance.

In addition to jobs in Pakistan, Jobs360 also provides jobs to clients abroad in Dubai and Saudi Arabia.

How To Get More Recruitment Clients – Q&A With Muhammad Qazi

Here’s what I asked Muhammad:

  1. What does your business do and who does it help?
  2. Do you focus on a niche within the market or do you serve all businesses (if so, how do you try to stand-out from competitors)?
  3. What are some effective ways you have acquired new clients/customers? What makes them effective?
  4. Any ineffective ways? Why didn’t they work so well?
  5. Can you share some tips on interesting people, websites, tools, podcasts, or books to check out to help grow a business faster?
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Welcome To The Get More HR Clients Blog

Hello and welcome to the Get More HR Clients blog!

Let’s get a few things out of the way right from the start . . .

  1. This blog’s single purpose is to explore ways for you to bring in more clients and customers in the Human Resources industry. I don’t plan to cover the latest trends in recruitment theory or examine controversial new employee engagement models. There are many clever people out there for that.
  2. I don’t proclaim to know everything but will continue to seek out the best advice for you. I’m a self-confessed HR marketing nerd who has made marketing mistakes as well as achieved successes and I’ve learned from it all.
  3. I believe in the power of standing on the shoulders of giants and will always endeavour to find and share new ideas from leading experts for you to test.
  4. I’m not Shakespeare. If anything, I’m only slightly better than Trump when it comes to wordsmithing. So, please don’t expect any gorgeous prose here – it’s all about bringing in those new clients.
  5. If you’ve some good ideas to share or if you have suggested topics in mind, I’d love to hear from you.

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