I had a great chat with Shauna Moran about how she started and continues to grow her HR-related company, Operate Remote.
Operate Remote supports businesses with remote teams in gaining true strategic clarity on their remote working operations; to achieve excellent & measurable results, and to do it quickly.
Shauna company solves problems such as:
✔️ Managing communication and projects across multiple timezones
✔️ Hiring and onboarding remote employees
✔️ Engaging and motivating remote teams
✔️ Creating structures and workflows for a more controlled and productive environment
✔️ Developing leadership skills to effectively manage remote teams
Shauna works with businesses and leadership to solve these challenges and increase their ROI by having an effective, productive and highly-engaged workforce.
Before we get started . . .
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Over to Shauna . . .
Growing Operate Remote
About The ‘A Better HR Business’ Podcast
I write the Get More HR Clients blog on marketing for HR consultants and marketing for HR Tech companies as a former HR professional who has moved across to the marketing side of business.
In my HR marketing podcast, I talk with different HR consultants and HR tech companies from around the world to learn about what they do and how they keep their businesses healthy and moving in the right direction.
If you have questions you want me to ask me about growing an HR consultancy or marketing for HR tech companies, just let me know.
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Enjoy the show!