Catherine Mattice is President of consulting and training firm, Civility Partners, and has been successfully providing programs in workplace bullying and building positive workplaces since 2007.

Catherine Mattice-Zundel

Her clients include Fortune 500’s, the military, several universities and hospitals, government agencies, small businesses and nonprofits.

Catherine has also written three books, one of which the legendary Ken Blanchard called, “the most comprehensive and valuable handbook on the topic” of workplace bullying.

Catherine’s also been in, Inc Magazine, Entrepreneur, USA Today, and CNN.

Catherine joined me on the podcast to talk about her business journey and the important change that Civility Partners is bringing to workplaces right across North America.

During our chat, we talked about:

✔️ Catherine’s extensive HR experience and how she used a negative situation to launch Civility Partners.

✔️ How Civility Partners is helping employers and employees right across North America.

✔️ How Catherine has achieved such impressive business growth.

✔️ And plenty more.

Want to learn more, be sure to check out Civility Partners.

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Over to Catherine. . .

Interview With Catherine Mattice of Civility Partners

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About The ‘A Better HR Business’ Podcast

I write the Get More HR Clients blog on marketing for HR consultants and marketing for HR Tech companies as a former HR professional who has moved across to the marketing side of business.

In my HR marketing podcast, I talk with different HR consultants and HR tech companies from around the world to learn about what they do and how they keep their businesses healthy and moving in the right direction.

If you have questions you want me to ask me about growing an HR consultancy or marketing for HR tech companies, just let me know or visit the HR marketing agency page.

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Enjoy the show!

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